So pretty much every Saturday morning River and I (Mandee) go yard sale-ing. It's become our way of life. The really cool thing is it always seems that no matter what weird thing I am wanting that week, we always find it at a sale for way cheaper then I would have in the stores. I am talking random things like phone chords, kitchen light bulbs, old fashioned apple slicer, you get the jist. Well I am about to show you all our loot from today, but I will start with what I consider to be my BIG BLESSING of the day.......a LAMINATOR!!! I had a laminator and lost it so this morning before leaving I told my hubs that I am putting my wish out in the universe and asked for another one. Sure enough God heard me and he answered! There was a $10.00 sticker on it but I only paid $5.00 for my other one, so I figured I'd ask, and sure enough she took $5.00. I cant tell you how happy I am!

This same sale was a teacher that wanted to get out of Vegas so she had alot to sell. I bought all seven of these planters for $10.00. I would have liked to pay a dollar each but five of them are pretty big so I went ahead and got them.
I also bought most of these books from her for a quarter. I bought the latch hook kit $1 and the map puzzle .50 at a different sale.
The second sale we went to today was a major score for what we call bigs. I got this bookshelf for .75cents! I couldnt believe it. I will most likely turn this into something else but at that price I jumped on it.
This coffee table was $3. Im thinking of turning this into either a sensory bin table, or maybe mounting the lightbox into it for a cool light table. Not sure yet.
This nightstand was $2 and again at that price I jumped.
I bought this shelf thing for $5 and I plan to get those cloth box things and use it as an organizer in either the homeschool room or one of the littles rooms.
This was $3 and Im either going to clean it up and use in Reanna's room or turn it into a play kitchen as a gift, or who knows what I might find on pinterest for it :)
I scored some really cute clothes for Reanna mostly .25 a few things were .50.
I bought these for Graisan. Four of them are brand new sweaters with the tags for a quarter! At that price I know even if she doesnt like them, she will make something out of them, so its worth it.
I bought the little shelf/drawer thing for $3. I just liked it and I'll find some good place for it.
A shoe organizer that hangs on the door for $3. I have really been wanting one of these!
A wicker laundry hamper for $1. Mine is starting to fall apart and this one is in great condition.
A little sewing machine with the manual for $2. I figured the girls can use this for their Keepers of the Faith projects.
2 make up cases $1 each. The 3 water bottles $1 total and 3 old comic books $1 total. River wanted the comic books.
A little bag full of polly pocket things and the horse, I plan to use in a sensory bin for .25. Christmas ribbon .25 each. Christmas horse, train and bells for a Christmas sensory bin .25. Two baggies of glass beads for the light table $1. Bamboo chopsticks for preschool packs .50, and a tote bag for Graisan .25.
Last but not least riding horses that make noise for .25 each. Look at those smiles for the low price of 50 cents lol!
We started at 7:00 and ended at 11:00. It was hot and muggy today but totally worth it to us for all the deals we found!