Friday, September 14, 2012

The Tot Lot - Caps for Sale

 We just finished our second week of preschool and Im still loving it! This week we "rowed" Caps for Sale. Reanna loved this story! I am loving how it kept her attention. This week we used Homeschool Share for their lapbook printables and Homeschool Creations for extra printable activities.

Here she is stacking caps. This is from the lapbook, I laminated it ahead of time and put velcro on the back of each hat. She played with this a little bit each day. 

The caps in the story are 50 cents a cap, so I found these piggy banks in the dollar section at Target. I gave her a baggie of quarters so she could put her money in the bank. I was actually surprised at how long she sat their doing this. She put it all in then took it all out, over and over and over. 

Even Nicky got in on the action!

This is a counting mat also from the lapbook. I laminated it ahead of time too. She loved this activity! I would put a number on the mat and she had to place that many monkeys in the tree. 

This week she was really into doing paperwork so the extra printables from Homeschool creations came in handy! Here she is trying to write her name. 

Our big finale of the week was meeting with our BFIAR co-op group and re-enacting the story. Great idea from one of our mom's and it was so much fun! Here she is taking her turn as the Peddler. 

And here are the monkeys stealing her hats. :)

Another great week at the Tot Lot!

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