Friday, August 24, 2012

Homemade laundry soap

I started making my own laundry soap about 2 years ago. Then I got on a coupon kick and had enough laundry soap for a year! Well we just ran out so I am back to making my own. I actually prefer making my own because I know EXACTLY what goes in it. A big thank you to my friend Coretta for inviting me over and teaching me this skill! This is literally so easy my littles can almost do it by themselves. You will need 3 ingredients all found in the laundry section of your local grocery store. Borax, washing soda and fels naptha.
Grate 1/2 a bar of fels naptha in a sauce pan. Some people use the whole bar and some use 1/3. I like to use a half. Reanna does this part all by herself :)
Pour 4 cups water and heat on stove, add 1/2c washing soda and 1/2c borax. Stir until dissolved. Reanna helps with this part too.
Previously I used a 5 gallon bucket to mix and store mine in, however I couldnt find one this morning so I used these.
Ok now pour the dissolved soap mix into the bucket and add 1 gallon plus 10 cups and stir. Nicky and Reanna took turns stirring.

I separated it into 2 buckets because I was worried about spilling. Then I added 6-7 drops lavendar doTerra essential oil, stirred and put on my laundry shelf. 
Which means now I am out of excuses and better get my laundry caught up! 

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