Friday, October 12, 2012

The Tot Lot - Play with me

This week we "rowed" the book Play with me by Marie Hall Ets. It was perfect because we did alot of playing this week. We were super busy with activities outside our house but we still managed to work on some of our BFIAR stuff at home too. 

She actually loved this book and although simple, I thought it was cute. As soon as we got to the frog though, she became obsessed with doing the sign for frog and I had to keep re-focusing her. 

She is working on cutting squares for her lapbook.

They had so much fun last week with the sensory bin, I made one for this book too. I went to the dollar store and picked up what they had that went with the book. I bought floral moss and vanilla potpourri for the base. They liked it because it was a way different texture than the rice and beans I normally use, plus the vanilla smelled nice. Then I bought snakes, flowers, a grasshopper, turtles, frogs, and a bunny. 

They both played together nice for a while. Then they started flinging the moss at each other with forks. Oh well, it lasted for a little while :)

This face is just too cute not to share!

Because she seemed so into the frog, I bought this thing at the dollar store. It's a frog thing that lays eggs. She loved this! Here she is filling it up with water.

We checked it after a few hours and the frog had laid one egg. So cute how she was so excited.

Here it is after a day, with lots of eggs. 

One of our homeschool groups has a seasonal party to celebrate all the kids birthdays for that season. Reanna was one of the Fall birthdays so we went to celebrate. Well actually I hosted the party. :) She had the best time because her birthday was on September 13th, it was like she got to have another birthday! 

Here are the birthday kids waiting to be sung to.

Here she is playing with her friend Emma. Like I said the book was perfect for this week because she did alot of playing!

Every other week she takes a music & movement class at one of our favorite places in Vegas...Pinkpeas. Miss Anatasia is so much fun with them and this is her favorite class. One of the best things about it, at $5 a class it doesnt break my budget. If you live in Vegas, you should come!

How fun is this!

By Thursday night, the fun had caught up with her. She said she didn't feel good and had to miss her preschool co-op class on Friday. I dont feel bad though, because she did plenty this week! 

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Saturday Sale-ing

Today was a great day of yard sales! Our neighborhood had a community yard sale and so did another community not far away. I love community yard sales because you can hit a ton in a short amount of time. The only thing that bums me out is when all of HOA's decide to do theirs on the same weekend. For those of you that live in Vegas, the Aliante sale is going to be next weekend. Ok on to our loot!

I bought this to be used as a hope chest for one of my girls. I plan to take the stuff off the front and either paint it or stain it. It was $8.00.

Ok below I got some pompoms .75, clear plastic canvas 1.50, silicone snowmen baking pan 1.00 2 egg trays .25, and a Strongs concordance $5. I was excited to get these items, but the lady that sold them and her story was amazing and one of the reasons I love yard sale-ing! Her name was Ruth. She and her husband were missionaries in Russia for 7 years. She had great stories about that time. Then they moved to Florida and ran an emergency shelter for foster kids where they met and adopted their two daughters. They moved here to Vegas and her husband started a Russian church here which is still going strong. But sadly a year ago her husband passed away and now she is moving out of state to get a fresh start. Anyways those of you that know me know I hate crying in front of people. It was seriously hard for me not to cry when hearing her story. I told her I would keep her family in prayer forever and if you readers will too that will be awesome! I just love how God is in all the details of my life, even my silly yard sale-ing hobby. :)

I got this for $2. I needed one to take drinks for basketball games, park days, co-ops, and what not.

2 lunch boxes, a Santa advent holds lollipops but Im going to put a fun activity in each one to complete everyday until Christmas (idea stolen from Becky Johnson), a purse for Graisan, 8 things of glass beads, a victorian fashion paper doll book, and a 1930's paper doll book all $1.00 each.

A halloween wig, and a quilt cutting mat .75 each. Yes that's right, the cutting mat was only .75 cents!

A box of animal magazines to use for preschool projects....FREE

3 twilight t-shirts, a hangover t-shirt, and a pair of shorts .50 each

Nicholas LOVES spiderman. I found this costume for $2. Score!

Hippy skirt for me .75

4 magnetized travel games, and cake decorating set .50 each

2 cookie pop pans, paints, hot wheels cars, craft needle, a wax letter sealer .25 each

Shirts for the girls .25 each

I feel so happy with what we found today and more importantly the people we met and the time I got to spend with River. I do not take for granted that in a couple of years he will be gone and no matter how much he annoys me at times I truly cherish the time we get to spend together!

Friday, October 5, 2012

The Tot Lot - Goodnight Moon

This week we "rowed" Goodnight Moon. I have seen and heard of this book many times but never actually read it. I had the expectation that this book was going to be awesome because many people I know just love it. I am not one of those people. Maybe my expectations were too high. I didn't hate it, I just found it to be simple and boring. The nice thing about Reanna is she pretty much loves everything. So she did enjoy the book.

This weeks lapbook printables found here.

A while back I pinned an idea for a goodnight moon sensory bin found here. I ended up making mine with what I could find at home and a trip to the dollar store. I used a moon shaped cookie cutter, 3 bears and a spoon from home. Then I found a cow, the chairs, brush, mouse, and a bowl from the dollar store. What I couldn't find I made from foam sheets. Im not the best artist but she didn't care. She and Nick both played with this all week.

This week she had gymnastics. She is still needing to work on following instructions but this is helping.  It's one of her favorite things.

We finished off this week with a field trip to the Planetarium. Daddy even got to go. Here she is putting pennies down the "black hole".

Waiting for the show to start. It was pretty cool. They geared it for preschoolers, so it was a cartoon about what you could see from your backyard. She listened and watched to the whole thing.

So although the book was not my favorite, we did get to do a lot of neat things because of it. For that Im giving it a good review :).
