Friday, October 5, 2012

The Tot Lot - Goodnight Moon

This week we "rowed" Goodnight Moon. I have seen and heard of this book many times but never actually read it. I had the expectation that this book was going to be awesome because many people I know just love it. I am not one of those people. Maybe my expectations were too high. I didn't hate it, I just found it to be simple and boring. The nice thing about Reanna is she pretty much loves everything. So she did enjoy the book.

This weeks lapbook printables found here.

A while back I pinned an idea for a goodnight moon sensory bin found here. I ended up making mine with what I could find at home and a trip to the dollar store. I used a moon shaped cookie cutter, 3 bears and a spoon from home. Then I found a cow, the chairs, brush, mouse, and a bowl from the dollar store. What I couldn't find I made from foam sheets. Im not the best artist but she didn't care. She and Nick both played with this all week.

This week she had gymnastics. She is still needing to work on following instructions but this is helping.  It's one of her favorite things.

We finished off this week with a field trip to the Planetarium. Daddy even got to go. Here she is putting pennies down the "black hole".

Waiting for the show to start. It was pretty cool. They geared it for preschoolers, so it was a cartoon about what you could see from your backyard. She listened and watched to the whole thing.

So although the book was not my favorite, we did get to do a lot of neat things because of it. For that Im giving it a good review :).

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